2014年1月23日 星期四

皮衣街頭風 - Leather Jacket Street Style

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你衣櫥裡有皮衣嗎? 如果沒有適不適很渴望一件皮衣呢? 皮衣又要如何搭配才能有形呢? 我們現在來告訴你歐美人士如何穿搭皮衣,創造造型。你也可以這樣裝扮喔!

Do you have leather jacket in your wardrobe? I think everyone might have one at least, and for those who doesn't have, for sure you are putting leather jacket in your future shopping list. So how can we dress up with leather jacket? Does it always have one look or in real, it can be many looks? Let's see the following leather jacket street style. You can dress up just like that!

圖片來源: Helenhou




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